Zero gravity position

  • Relax The Back is the leading provider of products and service designed for the relief and prevention of back and neck pain. While 80% of us experience back or neck pain, most episodes of pain are preventable and can be traced to the lack of supported, stabilized and comfortable posture.
  •   Central to understanding the Relax The Back approach to preventing and relieving back and neck pain, is the Neutral Posture Concept. The Neutral posture is a measurable set of angles which allows the spine to be in its most relieved, relaxed, and stable alignment. This, in turn, alleviates disk pressure, improves circulation, and relieves soft tissue tension associated with static resting postures. 
  • To be exact, according to NASA’s development of the MSIS(Man-Systems Integration Standards), the angles regarding the spine are 128° (+/-7°) between the torso and thigh, and 133° (+/-8°) between the hamstrings and calf. When we are outside of these general degrees of alignment, the spine suffers increase the risk of injury.
  • According to the American Time Use Survey conducted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (2009) on average, we spend approximately 9 hours working, 8 hours sleeping, 6 hour relaxing/leisure, and the remaining 2 hours in other activities like commuting.
  • These all represent static spine postures which have the potential to negatively impact the spine by weakening core stabilizing muscles, decrease circulation throughout the spine, and increase inter-vertebral compression. Therefore finding solutions for back and neck pain requires a combination of the Neutral Posture Position with our 24 hour approach for a personalized strategy.


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